Power BI - Using Drill through

Tags Power-BI


Drill through in Power BI is a powerful feature that allows users to create focused reports and visuals, providing detailed information about specific data points. It allows users to navigate from a summary view to a more detailed view. Drill through keeps the context of the data point selected in the main report. If you select a specific bar in a bar chart, the drill through report will show details relevant to that bar only. Follow the steps mentioned below to perform a cross report drill-through


1. Go to main report page: Go to the original report page that you will start from.


2. Interact with a visual: Click on a data point in a visual that's related to navigate to the drill-through detail report that's set up. For instance, if you can either select a bar chart or directly right click over it as shown below in step 3.


3. Right-click on the data point: In the context menu that appears, you should see an option under "Drill-through" that corresponds to the drill-through page or detail report.


4. Select the drill-through option: Click on the drill-through option, Power BI will navigate to your drill-through page, showing the detailed view for the data point you selected. In the example shown below, clicking the Student Registrations Detail will take us to the detail report page.


5. Navigate back to the main report: Once you're done exploring the drill-through view, you can return to the main report by clicking the back arrow at the top left corner of the report canvas.


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Article ID: 145937
Wed 5/31/23 8:29 AM
Tue 6/27/23 12:05 PM